Thursday, April 7, 2011

PTSD: Filing A Claim Without A Diagnosis

If I want to file a claim, do I have to have a diagnosis first before I can file?

  Some service organizations will tell veterans they have to have a written diagnosis from a doctor before they can file a claim for any condition. This is not true. A veteran can file a claim at any time for any condition related to military service. You do not have to prove it before you file, and a service organization cannot refuse to let you open a claim.

  Many service officers seem to be in it for the job and don’t care about helping veterans or they don’t want to make waves with the VA. The VA pays for their office space at the hospitals, and more and more I hear veterans complain that service officers often seem to side with the VA. If a service officer, from any service organization mandated by Congress to help veterans, tells you that you should stop whining and be happy with what you have...or if they tell you that if you file for an increase in PTSD that you risk losing your percentage...then tell them you are going over their head to DC, where most of the home offices are located.

  Don’t let anyone try to make you feel like you are a bother because you want to file a claim for something that happened on active duty. And don’t forget the elected officials. Your Congressman or Senator know that helping veterans through inquiries makes them look good.

  If your claim has been in the system a long time, an official inquiry may help to speed it up. The main thing is to never give up when you have a good claim.