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As combat veterans, our generations stand alone as the last crusaders in our rusting armor, trying to keep the faith in what is right and good and the ideals we fought to uphold. |
The End Of America?
It’s near the middle of summer. Fish are jumping but no one is having much luck catching them. My wife told me last night that I shouldn't let what goes on in America upset me so much because there is nothing we can do about anything. That is how most people feel, I guess. Basically, we have been beaten down to the point of acceptance because we are too old to change things and our Vietnam generation is dying out. Still, it makes me sick that others would destroy my country just so they can make tons of money without any thought how it affects people.
The VA situation is the same way. I believe the new leader of the VA will come in like a lion and then quickly get muffled after the elections in November. This is nothing new, and it happens all the time. A few heads will roll, the media will say the problem is solved by increasing the VA budget, and everything will be wine and roses until after the elections. Then, things will return to normal. That is why the back log remains so high and why vets will continue dying during wait times. Nothing much is going to change. It’s politics, and those in power must make their money.
In 1970, I wrote a letter to the government which basically said that since Panama was giving us grief at the time about using their canal, that we should bring back the 3 Cs (Civilian Conservation Corps), and build a new canal from San Diego along the border to Brownsville, Texas. It would provide thousands of job for years and end the border problem. Shipping costs would fall with the new channel. It would be expensive, but more cost effective than taking care of millions of illegals, and the jobs would really boost the economy.
That was also the same year, after having served with the Marines in Vietnam in 1968, that I saw a mosque in Texas on the news where all the people were shouting, "Death to America." I told my father I couldn't believe such a thing was allowed in our country, and if left unchecked, we would be in trouble years down the road.
Nothing was done about anything. The government thought I was nuts for suggesting such a project and the canal job would cost too much, and nothing was done about the Texas anti-American Muslims because they were allowed freedom of religious expression. Religious expression should not include screaming about death to America. That's not religion. Now we have the result of ignoring the problem.
The government is so corrupt, and our politicians so rich, that it makes most people sick just to see them on television. Part of their long range goal is to disarm us. A nation with guns cannot be totally controlled by a government because there is always the threat of revolution. The national media seems to be a complete state run socialist propaganda machine.
People starve in the streets, homeless, with no benefits, while any benefit they could get goes to illegals who are let into this country to disappear while carrying unknown disease and probable hate for America. They commit crimes and are let go. They drive drunk without a license and never pay fines, never show up for court, and never go to jail because immigration enforcement won't pick them up.
Yet, on the news each night, we hear nothing except things are really getting better, in a censored broadcast to those who watch the news. Those who don't watch the news don't care anyway .
The borders remain full of holes where thousands pour in every month, and they are living off the working class social security benefits and never pay taxes and expect us to adopt their traditions and give them everything. They bankrupt hospitals getting free care that will never be paid for by anyone.
The military has effectively been weakened to the point of being unable to defend the country if we came under serious attack. The government buys billions of rounds of ammunition, either to ship overseas or use against us. Twenty-two long rifle, probably the most used ammo in America suddenly disappears, and what is left for sale is inferior, low grade rounds that won't cycle through rifles.
Detroit is the future of America, a bankrupt, crime-ridden wasteland stripped bare of every resource. Half the city is without electricity and houses can be bought for 500 dollars. You would be safer walking in Baghdad at night than you would in Detroit.
The attack is coming. The enemy has been crossing the border for years and there are cells everywhere. A person would have to be naive to think terrorists have not crossed into our country through Mexico and Canada.
Does anyone think the Boston bombers would have been free to kill Americans if the government had been doing its job? These guys got rent and school money and a living allowance, and the government knew they were probably terrorists because one of them kept traveling overseas...but nothing was done. They locked down an entire city, violated American rights doing house to house searches, confiscated weapons, and then bragged about how they had locked down a major city. All they had to do was put one dog on the blood trail and they would have found the wounded terrorist right away.
Boston was an experiment to see if they could control a large city. They did it with 10,000 people for a day or two, but what then? They could never hold a city very long before a revolution begins, and spreads. That will open the door for terror cells in place all over America.
While people have been hassled at airports for years, the terrorists have come across the northern and southern borders in droves and have infiltrated into the system while waiting. They are possibly have government jobs. Foreign Aid, wars, and Medicaid have broken America. Heroin addiction is rampant because no one who could stop it wants to stop it because there is too much money involved.
The military draft system should have never been done away with in America. The rich people didn't want their children to fight the wars they start so they made it a volunteer military. People don't join the military because they are patriots anymore. Now, it's just a job. The end of our country as we have known it is coming. The barbarians are at the gates just like the Roman Empire.
I predicted back in 2006 that Iraq would collapse and Malaki was a dead man. The entire war was run wrong, and that told me we weren't there to win. Someone was making big money off the war. Why else would the U.S. split its forces among 140 bases that had to be supplied by road? Four billion dollars on pallets simply disappeared and no one was ever held accountable. We paid 20,000 terrorists 300 dollars a month each not to fight so we could finally pull out of the country and claim a stalemate victory.
Afghanistan is the same. No foreign army has ever conquered Afghanistan. We watched the Russians try for almost ten years and we went in right after them without learning anything. Afghanistan is the drug trade. Period. It's not going to be conquered. Too many people get rich off the drugs, and a lot of them are Americans.
I'm not a genius. All the signs are constantly in front of us for those who choose to see them. We have been getting the shaft from both parties for a long time. Our government is now a puppet regime. Period. No one in DC politics cares what happens to us, at all. We are the "little people" and they hate us.
Somewhere in America, in the near future, some radical terrorist is going to detonate a nuclear or biological device, and then it will be the start of end for us. The country and the economy will quickly fall into turmoil. Survivors will have to fend for themselves. Most will not survive because they never thought it could happen.
I never believed it could happen in my life time. I pray daily that it will never happen, yet... I'm really amazed at how fast our nation has sunken toward the finale.
But people still ignore all the signs and they will be screaming for help when the wars come to our country.
As veterans, we are the last of the Crusaders, the Knights in shining armor. We still stand for what is good about America. Never forget that and keep the faith.