Friday, December 22, 2017

PTSD Years Later: Stopping Therapy (Or Taking A Break)

My question is this. 

I am 100% P&T for PTSD. I have been in therapy for 16 years with no real cure. I am fed up with therapy and want to stop. Will the VA reduce me if I stop therapy?  Yes I am P&T with no future exams scheduled. I have Champ VA for my wife and children and education benefits for them. I have been 100% for 9 years. I know that 20 years at 100% they can’t reduce me unless fraud is involved. But if for some reason I am called in for a review.....can they reduce me because I stopped treatment (therapy). 


I stopped direct therapy about five years after my T&P rating. I had gone to therapy almost five years before I was service-connected for PTSD. I went back years later for the 12 week PTSD session outpatient. 

Like all the rest of it, it never did me any good. If you have been in group or individual for 16 years, they can’t say you are not accepting treatment. Tell them it’s not doing any good. They know there is no cure. Then just don’t make any appointments and tell them you want to take a break. Sometimes therapy can make you feel worse after a session than you did before a session. That’s why I stopped, and one time my therapist fell asleep so I said screw this. They can’t cut you, and if you are P&T with no future exams, they are not going to mess with you. Don’t worry about getting cut.